Registration form to try AVE Global

Kindly fill the next form if you wish to try AVE Global, the Instituto Cervantes online courses.

Legal note:

In order to protect your privacy your details will be held in a file named “Gestión Académica” for which the Cervantes Institute is responsible. The Institute is registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, in order to provide you with the information you have requested about the Cervantes Institute and its activities. If you wish to exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation or disagreement you may address your request by e-mail to, by post to Instituto Cervantes (C/Alcalá, n.º 49, Madrid 28014) or in person to the Registro at the Istituto Cervantes in Madrid at the same address. Please, do not forget to include your full name and e-mail address.

El Instituto Cervantes utiliza cookies propias y de terceros para facilitar, mejorar y optimizar la experiencia del usuario, por motivos de seguridad, y para conocer sus hábitos de navegación. Recuerde que, al utilizar sus servicios, acepta su aviso legal y su política de cookies.