
The pages on this portal are listed as transitional XHTML1.0 documents. That means that they are formatted to WorldWideWeb Consortiumstandards and recommendations for that language, with a clear, semantically-oriented structure with which the visual characteristics of the portal (typefaces, font and background colors and similar) do not interfere.

Document formulation using XHTMLcode, CSS-based style and an unobtrusive layer of JavaScriptensures that content, style and behavior are fully separated and that the site can be accessed with all manner of browsers and screen reading software.

These functionalities translate into the inclusion on the site of alternate texts to describe graphics, alerts when external links open in separate windows, style sheet font specifications in relative units for enlargement, identification of the language of texts or text fragments when different from the rest of the page, and labels and recognizably positioned meanings for initials and abbreviations.

The content of the present website features medium level accessibility as defined in the existing legislation (i.e., compliance with Spanish standard UNE 139803:2004 priorities 1 and 2).

Documents in PDF format

The Aula Virtual de Español website contains many legacy (originally printed) documents digitized to PDF format. While these files are being reformatted to ensure full accessibility, some may not comply with legal requirements, particularly where no technologically or economically reasonable alternative to the published format is presently in place.


Please use our contact form or e-mail address for complaints, queries or suggestions for improving Aula Virtual de Español website accessibility.

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