Users may review the following tables of course contents to determine which level best meets their needs.
Grama-Exprés A1.1 | |
1. Personal information
2. Noun gender: masculine and feminine
3. Number: singular and plural
4. Physical description: ser [to be], tener [to have], llevar [to wear]
5. Comparison
6. Ser and estar [two forms of ‘to be’]
7. Conjunctions: y [and], o [or], pero [but], porque [because], es que
8. The interrogative adverbs What? Which? How many?
9. Daily routine and habits expressions
Grama-Exprés A1.2 | |
1. Hay [there is/are] or está/están [is/are]?
2. Ask for and give directions
3. Place-related prepositions
4. Reflexive verbs used in everyday situations
5. Time-related prepositions
6. Definite and indefinite articles
7. Pleasure-related expressions: gustar [like] and encantar [love]
8. Agreement/non-agreement
9. Undetermined pronouns: algún, alguna [some], algo [something], alguien [someone]…
Grama-Exprés A2.1 | |
1. Past tense: pretérito perfecto (he hablado)
2. Past tense: pretérito indefinido (hablé)
3. Past tense: pretérito perfecto and pretérito indefinido (he hablado / hablé)
4. Estar + gerundio (Present continuous)
5. Direct object pronouns
6. Indirect object pronouns
7. Past tense: pretérito imperfecto (hablaba)
8. Telling a story in the past tense
9. Joining elements and parts of a story
Grama-Exprés A2.2 | |
1. Talking about plans and intentions.
2. Talking about the weather
3. Expressing obligation and necessity
4. Expressing opinion, agreement and disagreement
5. Ordering and interrupting speech
6. Expressing likes, interests and opinions
7. Expressing moods and feelings
8. The affirmative imperative
9. Asking and giving permission. Expressing prohibition