DELE B1 exam online preparation course

The preparation course for the DELE B1 exam, like the rest of the preparation courses to pass the Spanish diplomas, has a specific instructional design for the acquisition of skills and strategies to overcome the tests that comprise it, and is structured in three modules:

In the first one, through a series of activities and videos, the student will become familiar with the day of the exam and its different parts and how they are marked.

The second part of the course consists of 140 activities in which written, listening and oral tests are prepared. It contains real material: samples of exams and performances of candidates as well as specific recordings. In addition, to improve the learning and the attention of the user, the typology of the activities is diverse and includes, among others, tasks in which the user must drag, relate, order or color.

The third block of the course is a full-length real exam for the student to test during the allowed time all the knowledge acquired through the course.

In our video Guide of the DELE B1 preparation course it is possible to get more information about it.

Course benefits

  • This course incorporates the figure of a person who accompanies the students in their learning and familiarization process with the B1 exam. Before the first activity of each task there is a video where a tutor explains students how to face it and what is expected of their performance. Also, before the last activity of each task, which is always based on a real exam, the tutor remembers the aspects that students must take into account to succeed.
  • The "Tips for the exam" are maintained and improved, turning them into visible information for the students at the beginning of the task and at the end of it.
  • A formative feedback system is activated when the students select an answer that is not correct, so that they can reconsider it.
  • Open answer activities are always accompanied by a model to illustrate how the activity is resolved according to the criteria used by the qualifiers.
  • The oral, written and graphic materials have been obtained from real exams. They contain multiple videos with recordings of actual performances of candidates.
  • In order to easily identify the accompanying notes of the videos of the candidates, some marks have been set.
  • A simple and understandable language is used for DELE B1 candidates.
  • Contains translations of the statements, strategies and advices to the following languages: German, Chinese, French, English, Italian, Japanese and Portuguese.
  • It allows to repeat the activities as many times as desired thanks to a randomness system and obtain the solution after doing them.

Registration for the course

Students interested in registering for the DELE B1 preparation course, must do it through CLIC, the Cervantes Institute e-commerce portal.


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