Teaching fundamentals

Teaching fundamentals

AVE Global teaching materials are designed to a series of criteria that facilitate mobile learning. They also foster values such as deference or tolerance toward social diversity and deal very respectfully and inclusively with the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries and regions.

Mobile learning and e-interaction

Further to UNESCO’s Policy guidelines for mobile learning, AVE Global furnishes users with teaching content that can be used in mobile devices any time, anywhere. These materials are developed to today’s web standards and hence are compatible with most operating systems and browsers. Moreover, in line with the immediacy of today’s communications, AVE Global proposes videoconference- or instant messaging-based interaction using cell phone applications such as WhatsApp or social networks to make communication much more tangible and significant for students. Session 10, Networking skills is explicitly designed for joint work using this type of communication tools.

Treatment of social and cultural diversity

AVE Global materials aim to portray contemporary society realistically, representing difference in a positive light and furthering an understanding of minorities. This present-day vision informs the overall approach to the cultural content in topics and courses and more specifically the creation, selection and revision of videos, voices, texts, illustrations and photographs.

Independence and support for learning

Student learning progresses in keeping with a guided sequence. Students may plan their language studies on the grounds of the table of contents, locate where they left off the in the last session and keep track of the activities performed. They can also self-evaluate their progress with the tests provided.

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